On @KamalaHarris' book, The Truths We Hold . What a delightful read. Light, but heavy, tender but tough. She's a complex mix of ethnographic energy, a Jamaican hustler's dream come true. An Indian matriarch of multiple minute mirrors - which she holds up boldly to all whom she comes across - from the #subprime minister of finance that parades as #POTUS, to the criminal suffering in the deep south jail cell. Imagine America on trial, and her prosecuting for the people: that's how deep she is preparing to go. She doesn't glance over history, nor does she belabor it, but she provokes you to think about what you hold dear, and recognizes your hustle all the while executing hers. She can break down a witness, hijack an alibi, and turn you around in circles if you lie to her. Which is why America's lies: affordable housing, education, and healthcare, are in jeopardy with her on the warpath. Dreamers are recognized, and the American Dream...