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how divine understanding gives you the advantage

Preparing for divine understanding to create a distinct advantage.
Knowledge / Understanding.  1/3/2018

We spoke at the end of the year about preparing your attack.  This degree focuses on preparation.  If we are in the prepping business, we crave understanding like water.  Knowledge is not in itself sufficient.  We must proceed on, pushing thru towards understanding if we really want to be prepared.  That is not necessarily memorization - it's not necessarily recitation - repetition - or regurgitation.  It is divine understanding.  What am I speaking of?  Well, when you know the terrain, the conditions, the competition, and your own playbook as best as you can, you have understanding.  When you know your flank and your knight's best moves, know the hearts and minds of your disciples, that allows you to anticipate the entire battle and produce a victory.  Think on how easy it must become if you really prepare.  The saying goes: you didn't plan to fail, you failed to plan.  Take the corporate boardroom, for example; Knowledge/Understanding is a great way to prepare.  You do the knowledge on the numbers, the credentials, the recommendations, the motions, formal procedure, the discrete opponent, the formal opponent, the undercover opponent, your options, and your expectations.  After you do all the 1's, you take it to the 3's by uncovering certain elements your proposal (to self first).  You should never be ruminating on the details of a deal for the first time in the boardroom.  That's an easy way to get burned.  After you hit with the 3's, you must take it to the (new) annual degree: (wisdom - cipher- knowledge - destroy or rebuild) which is enough correspondence to keep you on point.  Take notice on how the cipher invokes wisdom, builds even more knowledge, and destroys or rebuilds your ruminations to the fullest.  Cipher leads you by giving you an option to either destroy or rebuild  your leads, employing wisdom and knowledge effectively.  Furthermore, cipher reasons through other's ideas and perceptions, giving you the ability to boldly criticize incoming arguments.  You must have knowledge/understanding in order to selectively criticize a half-baked argument.  Be attentive to all the math and work it back to front and front to back; like a diva knows the words to her songs and all the notes attached, you will be able to sing in the boardroom like a Grammy winning artist, hitting all your runs and options.  You'll even borne more in collaboration than ever anticipated and hold up your end of the bargain.  
     The same thing goes for a clean lesson plan!  You may not be hitting a high stakes executive boardroom, but you are responsible for bringing together the elements to teach your class.  That means that you need to reach for understanding; if you don't understand, i.e. mastery, how can  you teach for understanding (mastery)?  You need to thoroughly understand all elements of your lesson plan so you can lecture, discuss, answer questions, vamp, ask questions and probe your students.  It takes a thoroughly prepared master to deliver subject matter in a way that is exciting, thorough, and understandable.    Especially in this day and age in which resource materials are all over the internet: there's no excuse for not being prepared. 


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