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Lucidity pt 2: Feed the Beast formula: Knowledge - Cipher - Understanding

As we follow the premiere lucidity post, notably having received max views and a few comments(!), we're tempted to put together a follow up, the harvest yet still being ripe and all.  But today's math, Knowledge-Cipher-Understanding (1-0-3), denotes a critical mechanism in the process of the enlightenment structure.  In order to maintain lucidity and, what @DJStnkld mesmerizingly termed lugubriousness (in #hkz185), it is imperative that we feed ourselves knowledge, chopped into bite size chunks in and by our cipher.  We cannot experience nirvana, or any other form of utopia, without at least knowledge of self and application of our divine connection.  What that means if you have a speciality is demonstrated expertise in your field.  And while expertise is desired, breadth is rewarded: some of the ascended masters did this by studying everything from vanity to inconstancy to family structure, to theology, philosophy, all the way to acquisition of knowledge itself.  That is, knowledge of knowledge of acquisition of knowledge itself.  We can testify to their higher learning by processing knowledge/cipher/understanding along the bridge to utopia, the latter being a journey rather than a destination.

While feeding on knowledge ("Man does not live by bread alone, but every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God" -Jesus quoting scripture in Luke 4:4 temptation gospel), we cipher-save, cipher- borne, and cipher-understand while allowing for our personal knowledge base to synthesize itself appropriately.  And with the appropriate infusion of wisdom, while understated, synthesis becomes automatic.  #Hkz, our discipline, couples those (now) automatic synthetics with fresh manna, to pursue freedom notable only in/by/for the well-fed mind, which can always apply files worth of knowledge to the certain situation to the establishment of an enlightened individual and community. Requisite understanding results from digestion of information into palatable bytes that can be applied for gain.

Application: Knowing what we know about what we do not know, we have an opportunity to research for ourselves what this season is bringing towards us.  We know that we do not fully know our vices, dynamic or static; we do not know what's coming around the corner (incidentals, accidentals and askadentals*); nor do we know, for all intents and purposes, what we are going to glean on any given day.  Knowing what we know about what we don't know theoretically challenges our flexibility - but even more - our preparation - for no matter how prepared we think we are for a challenge, knowledge of self is only part of the battle...but keeping in rhythm, and staying on pace are key: because it's only if we remember to feed on the appropriate amounts of knowledge when and where suitable that we can process understanding for freedom's sake. 

*askadentals: takes origin from the Cosby Show - "what you need when you misuse your incidentals"


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