Today's math ties into our recent conversation about lucidity, which is a form of sustained clarity of thought, purpose and vision. However you slice it, knowledge-cipher/knowledge knowledge places an emphasis on accruing and digesting knowledge for use in the cipher and in the field. As discussed, pursuing bite-size chunks of knowledge for breakdown feeds the beast and maintains our spiritual energy field. Some knowledge contains higher energy units, more "spiritual calories" per byte/bite, and metamorph into delight: eyes wide open, rocking back in chair, hair standing on end, goosebump type of delight, which pleases the smiling Master.
Choose to run the race which was given to you with lucidity and without regrets. Kick knowledge on demand, but better than memorization, process it into your mainframe and use it for the delight of the Master, who will supply your curriculum henceforth, for better or worse. Ostensibly, the kicker of knowledge supplies known facts, but it is he who bornes knowledge who earns the 'plus degree.' Check your cipher, check yourself. Acknowledge the cipher's knowledge comings and goings with additional knowledge for breakdown, causing a disruption in the shrinkage factor caused by ignorance.
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