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HKZ Lessons

Part One.

Wild for the night.  When you listen to this album, prepare to let your wildside be teased, tantalized and tickled.  Raekwon the Chef is back with a new edition.   Straight out of the bugout sessions of the dungeons of Rap.1

Today's Mathematics2

  • Today's math is
    •  04 (or cipher - culture or freedom), 
    • / or into the cut, 
    • 13: knowledge, understanding
    • / or into the cut
    • 2017: wisdom, cipher, knowledge, God
  • The mathematics of the day is imploring listeners to God in this way: relay in the cipher until you borne knowledge into understanding.  Whether it takes extra wisdom or supreme revelation (17), you will be in the cut until you can break through with  Freedom is the month operator that bornes knowledge of the cipher, and although culture might feel like a way out, you might have to flip sides always acknowledging with #gratitude the ever-ready receiving side of culture, versus the mastery side.  Reading instead of writing, breaking down instead of integrating.  destroying instead of rebuilding.  
  • Find your way to the cut - the cut of knowledge, hemmed up with a book or a tablet, and a notebook, until you break through!

  • Wellness tips3 continue below on an average day.  :  wellness tip of the day - check today's math and find out what you've been avoiding....smoking cessation, lipid panel, prostate exam, something is about to get yourself.  Preventive medicine4 is 13....master self before it becomes obvious that you have an issue.

    Herbs, supplements, and sleep aids helped me.  Still do.  The best in the world are available here.
    1.  Raekwon the Chef; The Wild., accssed 04/13/2017.  
    2.  Supreme mathematics.  Own cipher featuring God lessons by Divine39A for mastery. 
    3. We ara  Wellness professionals...with the Costa family holding a Biology degree from Duke University where I studied marine biology among other subjects.
    4.  We must give the disclaimer that we are not here to fix, heal, or treat any diseases per say, but our knowledge might give you enhanced mastery of self in a holistic manner.


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