Wisdom incites Destroy or Rebuild A wise son maketh a glad father: but a foolish man despiseth his mother. (Proverbs 15:20). Fools rush in. It goes without saying that an actionable slice of wisdom (as it applies to use of time) can be interpreted as taking your time to do the job correctly. The typical John is impulsive, compulsive, and is much less circumspect. He makes rash decisions, shows poor judgement, and takes foolish advice. A wise soul is a critical one, at least internally...he methodically considers his situation, his circumstances, and his assets, while slowly planning his moves. Why would he act on impulse when he can plan out his attack? "He who fails to plan plans to fail." (Benjamin Franklin). To some, acting compulsively excites a detrimental, but enticing feedback loop. This loop includes binge eating and shopping, promiscuity, and other rash behaviors. In order to prevent falling victim to this lo...