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Showing posts from July, 2017

07-28 mathematics for responsible living...on time.

Cipher God, Wisdom Destroy or Rebuild   (0)     (7)       (2)               (8) As we discussed last week, when God graces your cipher, you have a choice to make.  You must "use" his presence for good, and by gleaning knowledge, you win.  But that's only in part; you can take it to the next level and use wisdom to destroy or rebuild the (2017) wisdom/cipher/knowledge/of God... the first element of that wisdom being discretion as it occurs in the cipher.  Are you fittin to tell or reveal every last detail of what goes on in your inner sanctum or your cipher?  Using [the] wisdom, the answer is a prolific NO!  So I can't even begin to tell you what discretion is telling me on the daily!  Screaming at me - be wise, my brother - that daily math starts out slow then your breathing in fumes as you have an open site for everyone to read our production... Destroy that apprehension.  Put...
Cipher God toward knowledge to destroy or rebuild for the good. The math is easy today (7/18/2017).  How you will or can use it is the hard part.  If and When God's presence graces your cipher, you have the distinct opportunity to glean knowledge that you can use to either destroy or rebuild.  Love's annointing, a pleasant breath, intimacy, reassurance, God's guarantee - these are instances of God's grace - his presence gracing your cipher.  What you take from that is really determined by your 2, which we will revisit in 10 days time.  But for now, all you have to do is develop your sensitivity to the cipher so that when God is present, either through your master or your own spirit, you can feel Him and take away some level of knowledge of your higher Self to feed on.  "Seek ye first the kingdom of Heaven and His righteousness, and all else will be added to you (Matthew 6:33)" - if you have been seeking, you know you need to discern well, destroy the dist...

knowledge for culture brings freedom from cipher of God

Cipher God, knowledge for culture towards freedom Cipher God, or Just blaze, the month of July lends itself to work towards the full manifestation of God's glory.  All of our collective work should be aimed at producing glory for God, as demonstrated by cipher God.  Where knowledge of culture/freedom has certain features, it is not until God agrees that you receive the go ahead to produce freedom oriented work, or experience the freedom to produce cultural work.  That said, once you get the go ahead to operate (from God on high, or god's representatives in 5%), your focus should be on knowledge of self burgeoning from the knowledge for culture or freedom. I say "knowledge IV (4, for)" culture (towards) freedom because knowledge of is incomplete.  "knowledge IV" defines specifically what the knowledge is dedicated to, throughout the displacement of knowledge of, with specifications of cultural blossoming, towards the greater goal of freedom, with glory fr...